Thursday, 19 March 2009

Partner meeting in Bordeaux, France

On Saturday 14th March, Digby and Emmy travelled to France to meet with our French partners Jack Doron, Marc Auriacombe and Gregory Michel at the University of Bordeaux.

Digby and Emmy gave a powerpoint presentation about the previous grants we had worked on in the UK, and found out more about the considerable experience in European projects of our French colleagues. Digby demonstrated the work already undertaken on the Moodle pages. The meeting also covered the following issues:
  • the translation that the French partners will undertake
  • research outcomes about E-learning in psychotherapy
  • the expertise in internet-based learning in France
  • the different ways of defining psychotherapy in different countries, specifically France and the UK
  • French and English language issues
  • the ongoing work the English department (which is part of the School that Jack Doron is Dean of)
  • the best way of teaching the teachers (a training package will be made available for the visit to Sheffield of all partners)
  • the appointment in France of a research assistant and admin support
  • recruitment of students for the new course in October 2009, including ideas on which student groups might be targeted (e.g. clinical psychology students, psychiatrists in training and established therapists)
  • the aim of recruiting 30+ students over the lifetime of the project
  • ways of recording any dissemination activities such as talks, papers or other CEP related activities- the blog was demonstrated and agreement reached to set up a Facebook group
  • issues aound Accreditation or Prior Learning- the French already do this in the form of VAE: Validation d'acquis experientielle
  • the need for partners to have clear instructions on the tasks they need to do and the dates by which to do them
  • evaluation forms, which Chris will design and circulate for translation
The partners enjoyed a very nice lunch together, and at the end of the meeting, it was proposed that partners will meet in Sheffield on 3rd and 4th July 2009 (to be confirmed).

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